Important Announcement

In 2016, LiQiang Wu launched The Creamery & Co under the umbrella of WNA Group Pty Ltd, where she has been the sole director. Recent events have uncovered that her signatures were fraudulently duplicated, leading to significant financial and operational disruptions.

Despite challenging these actions legally, the court dismissed the claims based on an expert's testimony, failing to address critical aspects of the case. This decision has severely impacted LiQiang's ability to manage and recover her business assets.

Continuing her fight for justice, LiQiang has engaged with law enforcement, who have recognized the potential threat such fraudulent activities pose to the integrity of the Australian corporate landscape. With the support of a dedicated officer, LiQiang, her husband, and her son are making strides in rectifying these wrongs.

LiQiang is actively seeking further support to overcome these challenges. Your guidance and assistance would be invaluable.

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